Call for abstracts

Abstract submissions will open 15 July 2024 for the TSANZ and ANZSRS Annual Scientific Meetings.

Submissions will close 8 October 2024. Please note, there will not be an opportunity for extensions or late breaking abstracts.

General Guidelines and Terms

An abstract must contain sufficient information so that if published it will be a complete report independent of presentation. The text should not contain statements alluding to results or conclusions not presented within the text.

Submission acknowledges consent for publication of the abstract in the meeting proceedings publication and meeting app. The presenting author will be required to register for the meeting in order to ensure his/her abstract(s) is included in the final program. The deadline for presenting author registration is 14 February 2025.

The file name should not include any presenter or author names.  Please use the first 5 words of your abstract title as the file name.

Please ensure your abstract is a Word document.

There is no limit to the number of abstracts that an individual may submit. However, splitting a body of work into multiple abstracts is discouraged and consolidation into one abstract is preferred.

All abstracts must be prepared according to these guidelines.

Key Dates

15 July 2024

1 October 2024

8 October 2024

13 January 2025

Abstract Withdrawal Policy

If you decide to withdraw your abstract, please let us know as soon as possible so that the program can be adjusted accordingly. 


All presenting authors (oral and poster) must register and pay to attend the Meeting by 14 February 2025, to be included in the abstract publication and Meeting App. Otherwise we regret that your presentation will have to be removed from the program.

Student Registration

Students must submit a letter from their supervisor defining their student status and include a copy of their current student card when registering for the Meeting. On registration, students will be asked to email this documentation to

Further Information 

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact